Monday 10 August 2015


Liver is the largest organ of the body which is a like cone shaped in dark reddish color weighting three pounds. This will holds about one pint (13 percent) of the body's blood supply more than any other organ can hold in human body. The important function of the liver is to Converting food into energy, Protein and Bile production and detoxifying the poisonous substances from drugs.

But if any damage to extend of 80-90% happened to the liver then the only option left is Liver Transplantation. The liver transplantation in India will be done by best liver doctors at top liver hospitals in India. The main symptoms of liver failure are abdominal swelling, Yellowing of eye balls and skin, Vomiting, Nausea, Disorientation and Sleepiness. 

The liver surgery in India will be done when a donor is available. The liver surgery will be done by replacing the damaged liver with a health one. Before doing the surgery various diagnostic methods will be done for verifying will it suit or reject with the recipient body. After getting the positive results only liver surgery will be started. As the healthy one is connected in the body the blood circulation will be restarted through it and have a normal functioning. The whole surgery will be done by low cost only as considered to the liver surgery cost in foreign country.


  1. Thanks for Sharing this information about Liver Transplant in India. You can Contact us to know Liver Transplant in India call +91 8810611368

  2. Hey thегe and Thank you so much for sharing this information. It has very useful. Please keep sharing.If you want more about the Causes and Treatment for Liver transplant Kindly click the link
    liver transplant surgery
