Friday 21 August 2015

Liver Transplantation Surgery in India

Liver is the largest organ of the body which is a like cone shaped in dark reddish color weighting three pounds. Liver transplantation is a surgery process for removing diseased liver with a healthy liver. Mainly the liver transplantation surgery in India will be done by a healthy liver may be fully or a segment of it which is donated by a Donor. Liver transplantation surgery is done in best Hospitals in India. For a liver transplantation we need a donor. A donor may be living or decreased one. The main living donor will be the family member which is more compatible with the patient.

Any damage to extend of 80-90% happened to the liver then the only option left is Liver Transplantation. The main symptoms of liver failure are abdominal swelling, Yellowing of eye balls and skin, Vomiting, Nausea, Disorientation and Sleepiness. The treatment will take care by best Liver transplant surgeons in India. 

In the surgical procedure the unhealthy liver is removed with the proper liver accepting with your body. The transplanted liver will start working as soon as the surgery is over and you can have a normal life after surgery. The whole procedure will be at low cost liver treatment.


  1. This blog is a must read! We at Jiyo India is assisting many patients that are in urgent need of heart transplantation by giving them access to the best liver transplant hospital in India in affordable charges. Contact Jiyo India Pvt. Ltd at and call at +91 8810627987, +91 8810613917.

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  3. Hey thегe and Thank you so much for sharing this information. It has very useful. Please keep sharing.If you want more about the Causes and Treatment for Liver transplant Kindly click the link
    liver transplant surgery
